Do You Want To Be Made Whole?
What a profound, searching, yet genuinely sincere question. Take some time now, and ponder each of the following questions: Have you ever asked yourself or ever been asked this question? Did you answer? Did you find it challenging to answer when you REALLY gave it your honest consideration? Or did you simply answer it quickly with no regard for the action needed to make such an ideal state-of-being become reality? Now that you have studied these questions, what is your answer to, “Do you want to be made WHOLE?”
Jesus asks each of us this question each and every day. In some instances, he will ask it each and every moment because He loves us so much, and wants us to be whole – thriving in whole relationships with Him and others.
What Do You Seek?
Recovery and wholeness are only obtainable when interested and concerned parties enter into a covenant relationship to adhere to stipulations suggested by the agreement. In the Bible the word ‘Covenant’ means an arrangement made by one party that, the other party involved could accept or reject but could not alter.
We appreciate the opportunity that has been afforded us to engage into this relationship with you to offer insight encouragement and direction. We have available guidelines and support systems in place that will serve to enhance constructive individual spiritual growth and development. The degree of recovery primarily depends upon your own wiliness and initiative to participate within the prescribed format. We have prayerfully considered the nature of addictions, co-dependency and compulsive behavior patterns, and have paralleled these conditions with programs that will serve to support, strengthen and stabilize our participants; spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Recovery is a process that takes time and patience in order to receive any degree of healing due to the nature of our problems. We don’t want anyone to feel compelled, pushed, or become overburdened in attempting to participate in too many ministries, or in participating in to much too soon. Recovery is challenging and difficult and key to recovery is the awareness of God’s presence in our lives to help us to overcome barriers and hindrances that would impede our spiritual growth. Therefore, it is imperative for us to go through the process of being adequately equipped to meet the challenges that lie ahead. We recommend that all WATSA members complete our New Disciples Orientation Workshop. Take advantage of the Intercessory Prayer, Bible Study and mid-week service on Wednesday evenings. After the completion of the New Disciples Orientation, members should continue in their spiritual growth and development by being consistent in a Bible Study Class on Sunday before worship service.
Now that you have answered the question
- "Do You Want To Be Made Whole" -
And have made a decision to commit to the process of recovery, let’s begin this wonderful, life-changing journey that ultimately leads us to Jesus Christ who empowers us to recover, to heal and to serve God, family and those who are still suffering…